Campaign Celebration: An Evening Like No Other

Front of The Shore lit up during Campaign Celebration

In the Spring of 2024, our Seahawk family celebrated a remarkable achievement: raising over $131 million to support students, faculty, programs and facilities.

Nearly 2.4 billion people worldwide live within 60 miles of the ocean. That means what we teach, research, discover and develop here at UNCW matters – in a big way.”

Joseph Pawlik, Ph.D.
Frank Hawkins Kenan Distinguished Professor of Marine Biology

Joseph Pawlik

North Carolina, like every state, faces a healthcare workforce crisis. Together, through the power of philanthropy, we will ensure that every local doctor’s office, nursing home and hospital has trusted clinicians to provide for you and your families for years to come.” Learn more »

Natalie English, President and CEO
Wilmington Chamber of Commerce

Natalie English

Each story shared during the celebration serves as a reminder of the transformative power of our collective efforts.

Jordan Altic '26
Jordan Altic '26
Major: Marine Biology
Minors: Chemistry & Dance

Catching and releasing crawdads in the creeks of Missouri is where Jordan Altic’s fascination with the water began. Since the age of 6, she knew she wanted to be a marine biologist and researched UNCW after her camp counselor, a Seahawk alumna, recommended the university.

Jordan has dived into all that UNCW has to offer – undergraduate research, an internship with the National Science Foundation and involvement in the Honors College, Student Ambassadors and Greek life. She credits her donor funded scholarships for being able to seize every opportunity available, leading her on the path to becoming the first in her family to earn a college degree.

Jake Shannon '26
Jake Shannon '26
Major: Business Analytics

Playing soccer in college was a lifelong dream for Jake Shannon, and while he could have played at many universities, he recognized that UNCW had something special. Jake found a strong support system in his teammates and coaches and pays it forward by serving others off the pitch.

In between juggling schoolwork and soccer, Jake participates in beach clean ups, volunteers for Habitat for Humanity and helps to create awareness for children with special needs through the team’s annual event, Harry’s game. His athletic scholarship allows him to pursue his passions instead of worrying about how he will pay for college.

Tishera Owens '24
Tishera Owens '24
Major: Psychology
Minor: Africana Studies

Timid is no longer a word to describe Tishera Owens, but she was unsure about everything when she first arrived at UNCW. Through her on-campus job and involvement within the Black Student Union, she has built connections, found a sense of belonging and gained a newfound confidence.

She credits UNCW for allowing her to take risks and make mistakes and pushing her out of her comfort zone. In the fall of 2024, Tishera will begin her master’s degree in social work with the goal of advocating for issues that impact underrepresented communities.

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