UNCW Parents Council

Who We Are

The UNCW Parents Council is a group of dedicated parents who are committed to enhancing the student experience at the University of North Carolina Wilmington through philanthropic support. Parents who donate $1,000 or more annually to any area of campus are recognized as members.

As a member of the Parents Council, you are invited to engage with university leaders, participate in special events and represent the university as an ambassador in your community. The council focuses on enriching programs that support students' academic and personal success and fostering a positive environment for all Seahawk families.

Wings up. Chancellor Volety with family during move in

Join us in continuing to enhance the student experience. Be part of the UNCW Parents Council with your annual gift of $1,000 or more.

Give Today

Parent Resources

Chancellor Volety with parents and staff at social

Parents Social hosted by the Parents Council during Family Weekend 2023.

UNCW Parents Council


  • Involve UNCW parents in activities that promote the university
  • Enrich students' college experiences
  • Foster student career opportunities
  • Support the financial needs of the university
  • Cultivate a positive college experience for both parents and students


  • Attend Spring and Fall meetings to learn more about key areas on campus and emerging university priorities
  • Serve on the council for at least one year, renewable annually. Or commit to multiple years with a pledge
  • Participate in peer-to-peer parent outreach to welcome new families and encourage their investment and involvement
To learn more, contact:

Dawn Russell '92
Development Officer, Parent Giving
(910) 962.4186