UNCW Foundation Board

The purpose of the UNCW Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is to assist the university in soliciting and receiving private gifts to further educational programs and scholarship opportunities for students. In addition, as an independent agency, the foundation can accept and liquidate non-cash gifts for the university that it may not be able to do on its own. The foundation may also acquire property on the university's behalf.

The foundation assists UNCW in the following ways:

  • Provides undesignated funds to address the chancellor's priority needs for the university, which have included the Honors Program, international programs, extended education programs and regional outreach, and general marketing and development initiatives.
  • Supports merit scholarships for high achieving undergraduate and graduate students.
  • Provides a vehicle for the university to conveniently accept real property and selected non-cash gifts.
  • Facilitates and conducts business transactions on behalf of the university, such as the purchase of property.
To speak with someone about the Foundation Board, contact:

Eddie Stuart
Vice Chancellor, University Advancement
Executive Director, UNCW Foundation
(910) 962.3626


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UNCW Foundation Board of Directors

2024-25 Members

Linda Sayed '78, '85M, Chair
Sandy Spiers, Vice Chair
Alison Baringer '04
Philip Brown Jr. '88
Terry Coffey
Wilma Daniels
Craig Davis
Holly Grange
Gidget Kidd '91
Joe Kittinger
Jenn Mertus '95
Martin Meyerson
Kim Nelson
Joey Perkins '09, '11M
Gabe Rich
Margaret Robison
Howard Stein
Judy Tharp '78
Steve Wells
Marcela Lauria-White '22M
Marian Wright '77